Cervical Cancer?!?! Help I'm scared.? - squamous cell cervical cancer
I am 23 years old and had only a reading of abnormal Pap received atypical squamous cells undetermined significance and HPV. To be honest, I'm scared to death. I have recommended for colposcopy and biopsy. My question is ... If this cancer and Pap would have been a different outcome? I have become sexually active (for 10 months with a partner who apparently HPV) ... might have a cancer, which quickly progressed? I have a weakened immune system due to anti-rejection drugs, which means I am not strong enough to fight. What could happen?
First, relax, abnormal Pap results are not always cancer. I know it's scary, because I was there. Often, you can have a colposcopy and can be found that appear abnormal cell changes. When I have a PAP may at any time during my cycle, I get abnormal results, but may be repeated in 2 weeks and everything is in order. Be was unobtainable, but until the follow-up tests and do what I want to do as quickly as possible, because early detection has the best success rate. Good luck!
Atypical cells are not cancer. Cancer cells are cells that dynamic growth and abnormal structure. What we have is a pre-cancerous or potentially caused by infection with HPV (unprotected sex). You can never develop cancer. In any case, the biopsy is more accurate. You must be careful to read the rest of his life, smear, however. In addition, cancer of the cervix when it is detected early is very curable.
Since they generally are immune from anti-rejection drugs, sexual contact with future condom every time, unless the laboratory his partner-in-hand showing that they are negative for all STDs at. There are things much worse than HPV (such as herpes, AIDS, etc..)
SALUDOS, First Pap results are not always the impression that cancer cells are foreign and like what they are, in order to further tests to be sure. The virus does not always cancer, but that it brings a greater risk. What is the progress is not cancer, has developed rapidly. Will closely examine every few months are likely to change.
Atypical not necessarily mean cancer, it just means they are not the normal cells of the cervix. I had HPV and I lived and had a colposcopy and LEEP (that is, when you remove the stain abnormal). They found that cancer and everything is fine now, no signs of HPV.
First, if you live in or near Houston, drop everything and go to David Zepeda. I had the same condition, and it is determined by laparoscopy and that there is nothing! I had my ovaries removed because a cyst, but ll. Doctors may fear the crap out of you. I had a doctor who has cancer, and I am so glad that I went to the doctor's lecture.
Anyway, as I said, doctors may fear the crap out of you. BTW, you can get cancer at age 17 with the uterus. It has nothing to do with sexual activity. However, HPV is your partner, but that is not to suggest why the government, the vaccine against HPV. It's too late for you, but now understand how important it. HPV is nothing to fear, unless that is not cancer, but you can have a life and never get cancer. So let it go.
I did not even consider this type of cancer. I would not. I do not have cancer, and I do not think you can do. So just relax and find the best damn gynecologist, not a doctor or cancer, the damnedExtreme, and he wants to gut. Get a gynecologist regularly.
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