Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moose Punch Cups Would You Rather.....? O:?

Would you rather.....? o:? - moose punch cups

1. Kiss a llama or a moose?
2. Fart in public or peeing in your pants?
3. Being hit by a truck or go to jail for 2 years?
4. Ask a rock wall or try to swallow your team?
5. Barefoot in China, or swim in the sea after day?


mojo said...

1. Kiss a llama or a moose? probly a flame, but what is idk lol

2. Fart in public or peeing in your pants? I fart in public often does not (in the silence ^ ^)

3. Being hit by a truck or go to jail for 2 years? How fast is the car going?

4. Ask a rock wall or try to swallow your team? penetrate a wall of stone, of course, my computer is about 10 inches by 2 m by 2 m ... I'm running

5. Barefoot in China, or swim in the sea after day? Hmmm I of England had the two lol id go for a walk, but thought these issues through NTR

jkn. said...

1. Kiss a llama or a moose? kiss a llama
2. Fart in public or peeing in your pants? pee in my pants. not so good. : 0
3. Being hit by a truck or go to jail for 2 years? being hit by a truck ..
4. Ask a rock wall or try to swallow your team? penetrate a wall of stone
5. Barefoot in China, or swim in the sea after day? Swimming, provided they do not suffocate me

cullen .♥(: said...

Kiss a llama
Fart in public.
Well, it's relly hard. haha. Hmm, I must say that, struck by a truck.
Trying to swallow a team.
swimming in the sea for days.

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